Pool Service

  Serving Lake Havasu Pool Owners Since 1999



Amici Pools is Your One Stop Pool Store in Lake Havasu City, and Mohave County Arizona

The Amici Pool Store has built a reputation for outstanding pool knowledge, and great customer service over our 25 + years serving pool owners in Lake Havasu City and the Mohave Valley in Arizona.

In addition to pool supplies in our pool store, we also offer outstanding pool service to help maintain your Lake Havasu pool. Weekly pool cleaning & maintenance is imporatant in order to maintain clean, crystal clear and healthy water for you and your family. Amici Pools – pool service technicians are experienced and the best pool service and pool cleaning service in Lake Havasu, Arizona.  

In addition to great pool service, we provide pool equipment, pool supplies and even warranty repairs on pool equipment.

There is a good reason pool service client call Amici Pools  in Lake Havasu for their pool service from around the Mohave Valley, including: Lake Havasu City, Parker, Topock, Golden Shores, and even Kingman and Bullhead City. 

Weekly Pool Service in Lake Havasu City, Arizona

Lake Havasu Pool Service and Pool Equipment Repairs

We Provide Pool Service and Lake Havasu City But Also Support Do-It-Yourself Pool Clients- We Stock The Pool Products You Need At Great Prices at Amici Pool Store in Lake Havasu City, AZ.

Lake Havasu City Pool Service, Pool Equipment Sales and Warranty Repair | Amici Pools Lake Havasu Arizona

If you need pool service, pool supplies or pool equipment for your pool is Lake Havasu City, come talk with the pool experts at Amici Pools pool supply store. We’ve been helping Lake Havasu pool owners since 1999.

Stop By The Amici Pool Store In Lake Havasu City Located At:
1968 W Acoma Blvd Ste 102, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403

We Keep Your Pool Clean, Clear , Balanced and Healthy

Weekly pool service is important, whether we provide you with your pool service and pool cleaning or you maintain your own pool. It is important to keep up on your pool maintenance betwween our service visits. This means skimming debris out of the pool to minimize the impact on your pool water. Let’s face it, we live in the Arizona desert, wind, dirt, heat, debris from storms can affect the quality of your pool water. Every time we visit for your weekly pool service we check and balance your pool water, and clean the pool so your confident your pool water is healthy for you and your family in Lake Havasu.

We also keep an eye on and maintain your pool equipment, pool filter cleaning, pool pumps and pool heaters extending the life of your pool equipment.  We also offer pool equipment repairs including warranty repairs for major pool equipment manufacturers. 

Amici Pools Also Provides Equipment Repairs Including Authorized Warranty Repairs For Pool Equipment Manufacturers


Lake Havasu City Pool Service
Lake Havasu Pool Service, Pool Repairs, and Pool Equipment Warranty Repairs


Pool Service

Pool Equipment Sales

Pool Equipment Repairs

Amici Pools - Lake Havasu City Pool Store Has Everything You Need To Keep Your Pool Fresh, Clean, Sanitized and Balanced For You And Your Family

Amici Pools - Lake Havasu City Pool Service and Pool Supply Store
Lake Havasu City Pool Service, Pool Equipment Sales and Warranty Repair | Amici Pools Lake Havasu Arizona
Night Lights Over The London Bridge and Lake Havasu in Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Lake Havasu in Arizona

Serving Lake Havasu Pool Owners For 25 Years!

  • 25 Years of Providing Quality Pool Service
  • 25 Years of Providing Pool Supplies 
  • 25 Years of Pool Equipment Sales, Service & Repairs
  • 25 Years of Trusted Service To Lake Havasu City Pool Owners!


Contact Amici Pools for the Best pool service available in the Mohave Valley!

Pool Supply Store:  928-680-1115

Pool Service, Repairs & Billing: 928-706-3525

Lake Havasu City Pool Service, Pool Maintenance and Pool Equipment Repairs
Lake Havasu Pool Service, Pool Repairs, and Pool Equipment Warranty Repairs
Lake Havasu Pool Service
Lake Havasu City Pool Service, Pool Equipment Sales and Warranty Repair | Amici Pools Lake Havasu Arizona
Lake Havasu City Pool Supply Store, Pool Service and Pool
Lake Havasu Arizona Pool Service, Pool Maintenance and Pool Equipment Repairs

Lake Havasu’s # 1 Source for Pool Supplies, Pool Equipment, Pool Service and Pool Equipment Repairs

The Absolute BEST Pool Service in The Mohave Valley Serving Pool Owners Throughout Mohave County, Arizona Including Lake Havasu City, Bullhead City, Kingman, Parker, Topock, and Golden Shores, Arizona

Weekly Pool Service in Lake Havasu & Mohave County

Pool Service and Pool Equipment Repair Pool Service Areas in Mohave County and Lake Havasu, Arizona

Mohave County's Favorite Pool Store For 25 Years!

Pool Supply Store

Pool Service, Repairs & Billing
